Friday, November 16, 2012

A Couple Little Rides

It's cooled nicely in the past few days, and, dagnabit, we're going home for the holidays. Now I'm not upset over going home. It's the fact I can go outside and be active and not sweat buckets right now. Eh gads, I really hate to be wet from head to toe, when I'm not swimming or in the of this...

Norman and I went east of where we live into the Gila Mtn foothills for the stray caches we hadn't found. (That's a mighty mouthful of run-on Of the several caches we found only two are left 'unfound' over in that area.

This quad ride got our feet back under us doing some ridge riding...steep hills...a few rocks...and a little bit of hiking.
 The cache on top of Gobbler's Knob, where we should have been wearing our helmets to access. See the towers on the hill in the background? Last year we climbed to those...whoa, don't know I'll ever do that
And, when on top of a hill covered in rocks, I just have to stack...or as a cousin reminded a cairn!

Larry and Sandy joined us on a Muggins Mountain ride a couple days ago. This is the ride where Bill fell over on his quad and everyone but us turned back. We paused at "Bill's Rock" to recall the incident, then went on and had a wonderful ride. It was great not doing it alone this year, as we know better than to do anyway.

The Muggins trail is pretty rough in spots...lots of rocks where we bottom out...steep ridge running trails...not much shade anywhere...some power line following.

These have Larry n Sandy in their Razor, not any of us riding, because we were in the lead...

A little picture-taking and a lunch break in the best shade we could find.

A trail of caches all along the way. I picked up four during our stops, but it would be fun to go back with some geocachers and get them all.

BTW...our machines actually mini electric shocks...when we were stopped under the power

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