Friday, February 04, 2011

T-shirts and tea

Omigosh, we've been so busy around here, we almost ran out of underwear, but we finally got the laundry done. Yesterday morning it was only 25 degrees at 6am, and the washing machine was going full bore. A couple hours later, we were hanging everything on the line...brrrrr...It had warmed up to 34 by then.

Here's a pic of one of the many fountains and birdbaths that were frozen yesterday morning.

Superbowl party coming up in a few days, so Kathy and I went to several stores trying to find shirts. Can you believe it, we found none?! So, second-best thing: we bought $5 shirts at Target, went next door to JoAnn's and bought paint, and then made our own. We have original team shirts...Polamalu & Rodgers..., which don't look too bad.

We've been hearing about this 'glowing' or 'spooky' mountain for about a week. So Tuesday we piled a couple of the neighbors in the pickup and went looking for it. One sorta remembered how he got there years before. Well, by golly, he directed Norman right to it...It's a hill just over the mountains from us, which glows sometimes...Thursday the moon was dark, so a bunch of us planned to potluck it up there. The parking area is huge. We could take all manner of tables and chairs. But alas, Thursday was also very, very cold...We'll now wait until a warmer, dark night. A good plan is not to be tossed away, just used later.

So instead of the mountain, last night Norman and I met a lot of the neighbors at Lute's Casino for an early dinner. Lute's isn't a casino anymore. But in it's heyday it was a pretty wild place with rooms upstairs for drunken cowboys and women. Now it's known for it's hamburger with a hot dog topping the burger patty. Norman loves it...I had potato tacos. Those were pretty darn good too. They were really taquito-like filled with mashed potato, topped with mayonnaise, then sliced cabbage, a tomato slice and a special grated cheese...yummy.
The neighbors and us...from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah and California.

Always the practical jokes going round...We have several staunch Republicans...ugh...lolol...amongst our neighbors. One especially is nauseating...hee-hee. We found these t-shirts in Quartzsite, and four of us showed up wearing them at happy hour Monday. It made for a great laugh! And he'll get us back one of these days.

Oh, I didn't mention the tea...Long Island iced tea, to be exact. Kathy and I had one at Lute's. The waiter came around a few minutes after serving them and asked, if we wanted a splash of Coke. Since adding the booze to the glass, he hadn't had room for the Coke. Ummmm, NO, it was just fine...hee-hee 

Stop reading here if you're under 21...
The pictures on the wall of Lute's are quite interesting.

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