Cool house?
Found it in an older neighborhood while garage saling. It's a double-wide...
BOOZE: State law over-rides Federal law on importing some items. We can bring 1 bottle across the border from Mexico to California per month if walking. In a vehicle we can bring 5 cases every day, although they may frown on it.
Ronrico Gold 1/2 gl $12.39 just down the street
Bacardi Anejo 1L $12.99 + $3 duty/bottle after the first one from Mexico
Parking $5 on the US side, lot run by the Quechan Indians
Parking $1 for Juan to watch the car in a lot in Mexico
Of course, then there's the 'experience'...the Margaritas...the bargaining for all that junk...LOL
SEQUENCE: The Women have been beating the men badly. They need help...hee-hee. We played with eight the other night (two teams). It was a heck of a good time.
The winning Joker!
Norman took Kathy and I around garage saling yesterday. Well, I have to admit, he has a good time too. Big sales at a couple churches and a couple block-long sales. We were looking for items to decorate for the "Senior Prom", we're putting on next month. Found lots of Mardi Gras beads for the tables, Christmas twinkle lights for overhead and old fake flower table pieces, which we'll spray gold or silver. We have half the invitations out, but need to get the rest delivered today.
Norman is holding briquets found at this block sale. They'll be used by the 'shooters' in the neighborhood. They shoot at a target, which, when hit, throws the briquet into the air to shoot at it
Did a little geocaching and a lot of visiting in the bombing range in the afternoon. We were hoping to cover one big area just south of us, but we kept running into interesting people to visit with. A muggle from Kansas, who had lost his riding partner (he was probably back home enjoying a cold beer)...a fellow cacher out checking on his over 100 placed caches...a deputy search and rescue fellow from Australia, living in Yuma who works the border with the Border Patrol.
This cache is in 'Tribute' to our favorite local cache-maker, who passed away last month. He's placed small stills, birdhouses, puzzles and more hidden all over the bombing range. Larry (Mr. Peanut) is also the only person who has managed to trick us into signing a 'decoy'. Then we had to go back and find the real cache...LOL. The cache on the right is an Oregon Duck. He requested only Duck items be placed in it. We left one of those BiMart fight pins. I go to check my virtual farm and vitual frontier town. My speed isn't too good when online, so I'm not doing much on them. It sometimes takes over an hour to do both games. I am trying to keep the gifts going to my neighbors.
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