Sunday, February 27, 2011

GeoEvent & a little more

Today was the SouthWest Arizona Geocachers 8th annual event, which includes a free tri-tip bbq...YUM! Norman and I were the official greeters for the first hour and registered close to 200 people from as far away as Alabama, Saskatchewan and Finland. I need to admit most were snowbirds from It was only 37 degrees, when we got up. But at least it wasn't raining as predicted. You can tell by the picture, it was nice and sunny, but stayed a bit chilly all day.

Travel Bugs...for you "muggles" travel bugs are items with registered numbers, which we can log online as 'discovered'. Most we find in caches and move them to other caches. I have one that is in Pendleton, and G'son Cole has one in Germany now. Here are two interesting ones...a tattoo...and a manikin (she dried up waiting for her kiss...hee-hee).

Speaking of geocaches...I thought you might enjoy the one we discovered in the desert the other day. I can't remember, where we found the log. But it was a sneaky hide...

We've had high gusty winds the past few days. It's made for some interesting clouds. At one time they looked like that batting sold to use as spider webs on Halloween. This one I couldn't figure out. It was an even more perfect circle without anything in the middle, when I first saw it. But it took a minute to get the camera and take the picture.
Cervesas and rum n Coke with Pancho were in order, when the three of us shopped in Mexico the other day. It was a great time, as we didn't have to wait or hurry for our They went without us to a gun show.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Yesterday we headed south through the bombing range to see the border fence. We've been told there was no way to drive close, and if we did, expect to be checked by every authority anywheres nearby. Well, we drove right up to it, had our lunch there and never saw any authority person. We've also been told to pack, so we all do. Scary stories out there. But we've also been advised to share food and/or water to anyone who needs it. As we headed back, we came upon several Jeep-type vehicles headed towards the fence. A busy area...

The purpose of the fence here is beyond our imagination. The little hilly range behind it is nothing but sharp rocks, plenty of other more easily accessible areas nearby.
Oh-oh, an illegal alien coming through on our watch...oops, sorry that's just Margie. We were able to hop back n forth at each end of this section

It was supposed to be a partially sunny day into the upper 60's, but the weather didn't cooperate. Therefore, we all had several layers on to keep warm. Oh, to my family, I got rid of my pink hat. It was getting so dirty in the pack on the quad. Black is where it's at!

I mentioned in my last post the dryness of the desert around here. Brown is the pre-dominate color. About 2/3 of the way south to the border, the desert turned bright green, everything leaved out and the flowers were blooming. We're guessing the clouds we've seen in the Mexico direction have brought lots of rain.

PS...Speaking of rain...the wind blew a vent off last night. This morning Norman headed into the bathroom, sat down and shouted out it was raining on is a posed picture:

The vent was still attached and is now taped down (for the time being).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Home, home on the......

Several of us went out on the bombing range the other day. Picked up quite a few geocaches, but we also picked up trash. These are the Mexican sandals (slippers) the people wear over their shoes, so they don't leave footprints in the sand, as they walk into our country.
The desert is really really dry. About the only thing green are the larger bushes, trees and cacti. We found this poor little thing on a large rocky hill.

Love the funny pictures we get with these crazy cut-outs. My man and I have taken these pics since we began dating.

The is not like home. Although we have a few families who are young, still work, have children and live here all year round. Most of the homes and RVs are retired folks. As I've noted before, we get together at the drop of a hat...happy hour (morning or afternoon) on someone's together...walk together. How often can any of us say, "Going to dinner at 4p at Lute's Casino. Come with us." And twenty-two people show up...Ummmm, that's why we go early, no reservations and the placed is packed most of the time. It doesn't work for any of us 'at home'.


"I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike...fat-bottomed girls are riding today...."
oops...they're naked men...LOL

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Most exciting cache!!!

We went quad-riding in the foothills of the Gila Mountains yesterday along with picking up a few caches. We're trying to get at least one cache every day, so it was necessary to pick up one
This is the Tootsie Roll Mountain cache. It's called that because of the shape of the large rocks next to us. But we have now re-named them "Sheep Turd Mountains"...

And here is one of the two that were within a hundred or so feet of us. They were just grazing on whatever green they could find. And not a bit scared of us...nice pose, doncha think? These guys kept at least a hundred feet between them and us, as we climbed (walked) up to the cache. I must have taken about 17 pictures, just to be sure I got a good one.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

And Other Stuff...

Cool house?
Found it in an older neighborhood while garage saling. It's a double-wide...

BOOZE: State law over-rides Federal law on importing some items. We can bring 1 bottle across the border from Mexico to California per month if walking. In a vehicle we can bring 5 cases every day, although they may frown on it.

Ronrico Gold 1/2 gl $12.39 just down the street
Bacardi Anejo 1L $12.99 + $3 duty/bottle after the first one from Mexico

Parking $5 on the US side, lot run by the Quechan Indians
Parking $1 for Juan to watch the car in a lot in Mexico

Of course, then there's the 'experience'...the Margaritas...the bargaining for all that junk...LOL

SEQUENCE: The Women have been beating the men badly. They need help...hee-hee. We played with eight the other night (two teams). It was a heck of a good time.

 The winning Joker!

Norman took Kathy and I around garage saling yesterday. Well, I have to admit, he has a good time too. Big sales at a couple churches and a couple block-long sales. We were looking for items to decorate for the "Senior Prom", we're putting on next month. Found lots of Mardi Gras beads for the tables, Christmas twinkle lights for overhead and old fake flower table pieces, which we'll spray gold or silver. We have half the invitations out, but need to get the rest delivered today.
Norman is holding briquets found at this block sale. They'll be used by the 'shooters' in the neighborhood. They shoot at a target, which, when hit, throws the briquet into the air to shoot at it

Did a little geocaching and a lot of visiting in the bombing range in the afternoon. We were hoping to cover one big area just south of us, but we kept running into interesting people to visit with. A muggle from Kansas, who had lost his riding partner (he was probably back home enjoying a cold beer)...a fellow cacher out checking on his over 100 placed caches...a deputy search and rescue fellow from Australia, living in Yuma who works the border with the Border Patrol.
This cache is in 'Tribute' to our favorite local cache-maker, who passed away last month. He's placed small stills, birdhouses, puzzles and more hidden all over the bombing range. Larry (Mr. Peanut) is also the only person who has managed to trick us into signing a 'decoy'. Then we had to go back and find the real cache...LOL. The cache on the right is an Oregon Duck. He requested only Duck items be placed in it. We left one of those BiMart fight pins. I go to check my virtual farm and vitual frontier town. My speed isn't too good when online, so I'm not doing much on them. It sometimes takes over an hour to do both games. I am trying to keep the gifts going to my neighbors.

Friday, February 04, 2011

T-shirts and tea

Omigosh, we've been so busy around here, we almost ran out of underwear, but we finally got the laundry done. Yesterday morning it was only 25 degrees at 6am, and the washing machine was going full bore. A couple hours later, we were hanging everything on the line...brrrrr...It had warmed up to 34 by then.

Here's a pic of one of the many fountains and birdbaths that were frozen yesterday morning.

Superbowl party coming up in a few days, so Kathy and I went to several stores trying to find shirts. Can you believe it, we found none?! So, second-best thing: we bought $5 shirts at Target, went next door to JoAnn's and bought paint, and then made our own. We have original team shirts...Polamalu & Rodgers..., which don't look too bad.

We've been hearing about this 'glowing' or 'spooky' mountain for about a week. So Tuesday we piled a couple of the neighbors in the pickup and went looking for it. One sorta remembered how he got there years before. Well, by golly, he directed Norman right to it...It's a hill just over the mountains from us, which glows sometimes...Thursday the moon was dark, so a bunch of us planned to potluck it up there. The parking area is huge. We could take all manner of tables and chairs. But alas, Thursday was also very, very cold...We'll now wait until a warmer, dark night. A good plan is not to be tossed away, just used later.

So instead of the mountain, last night Norman and I met a lot of the neighbors at Lute's Casino for an early dinner. Lute's isn't a casino anymore. But in it's heyday it was a pretty wild place with rooms upstairs for drunken cowboys and women. Now it's known for it's hamburger with a hot dog topping the burger patty. Norman loves it...I had potato tacos. Those were pretty darn good too. They were really taquito-like filled with mashed potato, topped with mayonnaise, then sliced cabbage, a tomato slice and a special grated cheese...yummy.
The neighbors and us...from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah and California.

Always the practical jokes going round...We have several staunch Republicans...ugh...lolol...amongst our neighbors. One especially is nauseating...hee-hee. We found these t-shirts in Quartzsite, and four of us showed up wearing them at happy hour Monday. It made for a great laugh! And he'll get us back one of these days.

Oh, I didn't mention the tea...Long Island iced tea, to be exact. Kathy and I had one at Lute's. The waiter came around a few minutes after serving them and asked, if we wanted a splash of Coke. Since adding the booze to the glass, he hadn't had room for the Coke. Ummmm, NO, it was just fine...hee-hee 

Stop reading here if you're under 21...
The pictures on the wall of Lute's are quite interesting.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Narrows (No Name wash)

Yesterday we put together a long ride (over 50 miles) up the No Name wash AKA The Narrows to entertain some folks from Idaho, who were moving on to another area soon. The wash is very long...the bottom is so wide you don't realize you're in a wash...the middle is so narrow Jeeps have to be guided through a couple sections...and we want to go again.

We take our ATVs to a starting point on pickups and trailers, because it's a ways away. Actually, it's on the Fort Yuma-Quechan Reservation in California. Here our friend, Ed, watches over our stuff as we go play. He's quite a character, whom we got to know last year. He takes care of us, because he likes women, so Kathy and I flirt 'outrageously'
He dry camps here all year round and is quite well-known by the nearby authorities. Ed likes to brag about his fights...things he's shot...and n'er do wells he's called the authorities about. We're bringing Ed cookies next time we go. It's either that or a woman, cause "he don't drink".

The first picture here is as the wash begins narrowing. The second picture is about at it's narrowest point. There were four quads and 3 Razors, a total of twelve people. Although at one point we added a couple more Razor-type vehicles, who began following us thinking, we knew where we were going...NOT!

We ran into a group, who were coming in the opposite direction. They told us how to get where we wanted to go without going back. So off we went...somehow we missed the road we were supposed to take. But all the folks from Idaho thought the way we took was much more fun. It certainly was more exciting. It was front wheel(s) in the air at moments and little jumps at unexpected times. But everyone made it safely. The four of us from the neighborhood said, "Whew!", when we got through that section. The riders who use their ATVs all the time thought it was "the best riding of the day"...hee-hee...

Sometimes the scenery is stunning...sometimes it's pretty boring...

We got home tired...dirty...and hungry (oh, we take food with us)...but not too tired to enjoy the sunset!