Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Day!

OK...the kids know how much I love the snow. So early the other morning I began receiving pictures of the g'kids playing in the snow. Boy oh boy, was I ever jealous!! I know, I know, hard to believe, since I'm sitting in the sunshine of the Southwest.
Then girlfriend Pat had to send me the clencher...a beautiful shot taken from their driveway. They live along old Melrose Road. The pic is small, but doncha like it?

I'll add my favorites of the g'kids...l to r: Cole, Jo and Hannah

And this one of 9 year old Derian driving the jeep around the snowy fields really made me envious!

Alrighty...the sun is streaming in through the windows giving us free heat, I've had my first Coke of the day and it's time to join the parade of walkers out here in the Foothills of Yuma.

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