Monday, January 14, 2008

Our weekend in Mesa

We had a wonderful "family" time in Mesa visiting with my sis Di and her family. The weekend was filled with talking, eating, playing with the babies, watching the NFL playoffs and talking.

This is Bard holding Lily, and Dan holding Lincoln. They are so good with the little ones. Lily and Lincoln are growing up surrounded by nothing but love.

Norman had a great time playing with Marley. He is still amazed at how strong the dog is. Marley takes Norman for walks around the area.

And Grandma Diane is raising Lily in the "Lovely" tradition. Here she is at the China Buffet with a plateful of desserts. Oh, I guess I should add...I added a brownie and Norman added ice cream.

We didn't get to see much of Alicia and missed her laughter. She had to work all weekend. Alicia and Bard try to do their work schedules so the kids don't have to be babysat too much.

Di and I are tied at Cribbage, so I'll have to return this winter for a re-match. She says we're playing for "doing the dishes", but, heck, she cooked and I did the dishes. Now, what's in the winning for me? I sure don't want to cook, if Di loses. Of course, I could cook over the phone...LOL.
A new one on us: I ordered pizza delivered during the Seahawk game ONLINE. Guess that's one of the perks of living in a reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyy big city.

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