Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daytona Memories

Yesterday was a free day, except Norman had to be back by 4-ish for a Good Sam provided happy hour...LOL...We headed over to the peninsula aka Daytona Beach and picked up a few geocaches on our way to the southern tip, the little town of Ponce.
This is the the Ponce de Leon lighthouse with a memorial to our Armed Service Personnel. Norman climbed to the top and took some great pictures all around. The following pic is one of them. Me? Well, I don't climb towers very often, because I have a heck of a time coming back down...usually with my eyes closed.
We had a wonderful lunch on the inland side of the peninsula along the Halifax River. Norman/Dad had a trigger fish sandwich. It was yummy!
We stopped along the Atlantic coast at a couple places, but forgot to put our feet in the water. So I guess we'll have to go back. Most of the areas along this section of the coast folks can drive their cars. Sure a lot handier to not have to carry all your stuff to a spot in the sand.
Today was the Nascar Sprint Cup Series Gatorade Dual. Two races to finish the line-up for the 500 and to allow a few drivers, who had not qualified, to get into the 500. The following picture shows the trucks and the garages for the '500' race drivers.
 Before the races people can pay to go into the infield for a stage show, see into the garages (not go in), be in the grass area for introduction of drivers and to sign the checkerboard or the double yellow line. We'll be going in Saturday and Sunday. Sunday the big entertainment is Lenny Kravitz. I don't know how long Norman will stay and listen to But we'll look around and when allowed to enter the grassy area, I want to sign the checkerboard.
This is the view from our seats. We're in the second row from the top. It's so high and steep, we couldn't see the bleacher seats we had used last week. What is very nice...we can see the whole track!
 See the headphones the fellow has on. We were told we needed earmuffs for the races, because they are so loud. It's really true! But then we couldn't hear the announcers. So we rented a small tv/scanner and two headphones. They dampen the sound of the cars, we can hear the announcers through the scanner part, listen to the pit crews talk to the drivers, even re-play wrecks. They are so worth the money.
Tonight we had a "water party". We hooked up a hose to a faucet across the street. Then each of us added our own hose in turn and filled our tanks with fresh water. It took a couple hours to do all our coaches. Then we flagged down the poop patrol truck and got our grey & black water tanks emptied.

OK...busy day again today...I've had my shower, done this blog, now I'm going to see what everyone else has been up to on facebook and play a game for a little bit. got up to 87 today. Thank goodness it was also partially cloudy and kept us from getting sunburned. But the coach got very warm, and we're having to run the a/c.

1 comment:

Garages said...

Amazing post! I really enjoyed reading your blog. Keep on posting for more.