Sunday, January 08, 2012

Back in the Sunshine

We've heard since buying our first quad, there was a way to get through the hills NE of us to one of our favorite places to go for breakfast or lunch...mmmm, love their burgers.
The day after getting back from the holidays at home, we joined this group of folks who took us to Ligurta. And we remembered to turn on the GPS and track the way. Now we're planning another jaunt for lunch with our own little group and follow the GPS 'tracks'.

I liked this pic of some of the quads going along a ridge, so you get to see it.
When Norman and I have visited old cemeteries, we try to show respect for the families, nationalities or religions. We've brought flowers...placed small stones on Jewish headstones...and here is my man placing pennies on crosses of Mexicans, who passed away in the very early 1900's.
For Christmas I received a light-weight buff for protecting my hair under the helmet. It worked pretty well, but was especially good to pull up over my mouth and nose for all the dust we were kicking up.
I do have to work on protecting my hair a little better...wish I had a personal

Feeling pretty puny all week...about half the folks coming back from the holidays at home arrived with nasty colds. I've downed lots of stuff and doing pretty well now, but didn't get pictures of the Rose Bowl party...or the great block long yard sale.

We've lots of football this week. I can't say the teams I cheered for all won...drat it! And now we're watching the Steelers finally tie the game...go Troy!! But, why don't they get rid of Rothlisberger? He's good, but also can really stink!

Today we went to the geocaching breakfast put on once a month. Then we found a few caches before the wind and dust picked up, and we headed home. This was an easy find...but a fun one!

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