Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Telegraph Hill Pass

Yesterday 5 of us climbed the Telegraph Hill Pass. Yep, that's a picture of most of the road we followed. Although you can't see the parts just below, where I'm standing. And we traversed, er, hiked over and around several small hills just to get to this road.
The road is somewhat paved for the pickups to get to the top to service the antennae. But it's mainly concrete poured over wire over whatever dirt, sand and rocks which may have been laying there. It was like climbing a "black diamond" complete with moguls. Many of the people we met going up, we also met as they were going down. We were still going up...lol. We met people who climb this every day, some as old as 80. Doesn't say much for the shape we're in...hee-hee.

Brownies at the top, and that's our housing area behind me. We'd be living at the furthest point away. We could see the border fence and the sand dunes beyond it in Mexico. Oh, and the sand dunes just across the line in California.

Yep...caches up here also. And this wasn't it.

Norman found one, and if he'd have slipped on the rocks under his feet...it would have been a long yodel down!

Know wondering "why" it's called Telegraph Hill. Every company that needed one in the area was represented.

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