Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's a 'Crack-up' job!

HEE-HEE...GOTCHA! Boo n Ethel's patio got extended today with the addition of 500 Mexican brick. Boo, not being satisfied, decided without asking any of us to add another 800. LOL It will look nice and keep the dust down. This was a pretty tough job especially with the addition of 2 or 3 supervisors. But the guys had it finished in about three hours.

Meanwhile, Ethel and I dug out the last of the cactus type plants she didn't want. Then divided the large clumps of aloe vera, and put them down the length of the driveway. She's already planning what she's going to do next along there...Oh, and I took a couple of the larger plants over to Donzella's place. I'll have her rental portion looking like a jungle one of these days...hee-hee...

This is a 'virtual' cache we picked up on our walk along the Colorado River. The sign tells about the 'Ocean to Ocean' highway that was constructed around 1915. We're pushing 200 caches now. It won't take long before we are over that mark.

Last year a couple of us suckered Cheryl with jokes. We had her hook, line and Last night she got even with Fred. All year she's picked up pieces to dress him as a magician. You see last year he showed her how to change an orange into a peach...very magical!

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