Thursday, September 18, 2008


It was be-u-tiii-fullll! Deniece didn't marry Denephew...oh, thank goodness. She found the "man of her dreams" in Tim...The minister broke out in loud, not to be stifled, sobs right at the get-go. What is that????...The minister's wife told stories about their relationship (commitment), which added up to "more than any of us wanted to know". I mean, do we really want to know she massages his head, when she's done something wrong. That is opposed to "washing his feet" as Jesus did??? food was excellent. We weren't too thrilled with the beer, but after the first one, who cared?!...Saw some family we haven't seen in a long time...and the RV was parked in the bride and grooms backyard with the mother and father-in-law's...A wonderful time...

The next morning we were looking forward to another helping of the wedding cake (marionberry cobbler...YUM) for breakfast. But, no, Deniece fetched donuts and apple fritters from the store. I think she was hoping to save the cobbler until all us family had left...I would have...hee-hee

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