Monday, July 17, 2006

The TRIALS of traveling in a RV

Thursday, JULY 6: We registered early for the Samboree and met a lot of wonderful people from all across the US. There are 45 RV's from as far away as Florida, Maryland, Kentucky, Michigan, California, Alaska and more, over 90 people of all ages...At the orientation and BBQ in the evening we discovered we'll be very busy. All of our meals will be catered (YUMMY!) and two buses will be taking us to all the events. Bonus...we don't have to drive!

Now the "TRIALS"...After registering this morning, Norman set-out to dump the holding tanks. When he pulled the gray water valve, it broke off. He had to finally use a hacksaw to get it out and the tanks were dumped without too big a stinky mess. Then we took our handy-dandy local map and headed out on the freeways to find an RV store to buy new valves. By the time we got back the temperature was really hot in the direct sun. Of course, the valves were located on the hot side. Norman spent the entire afternoon replacing the broken valve. And being the perfectionist, detailed sortof person he is...he replaced the black water valve also. I spent the afternoon sitting in a not-so-comfortable position holding two umbrellas to shade the two of us. Gees, we must have been a site!! lol

Another day passes, and we don't get to the Olympic Park.

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