Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day Trip to Mt. Hood

Our daughter, Tina, and grandkids, Derian, Hannah, Jo, Cole, and I made it to the family camp-out this year, and it was just a beautiful weekend! The days were super warm and sunny with no smoke from the nearby forest fires.
This is our camp site along White River with the morning sunshine looking towards Mt. Hood! The water got very high this winter/spring and washed away quite a lot of the camp sites along with, where we usually park. But our site was still perfect, although we had to drive in from another direction over stumps and rocks. We even managed to get the "Daisy Duke" (a niece's camper) into our area.
The kids wasted no time getting into the water and exploring. The river at this spot is just a short ways out of the glacier...brrrrr, cold. And the kids were in and out off and on all day the first full day. They never stayed in their wet clothes though, because they shivered too
The freedom the kids have camping here is just great! They run and run and run through the woods and along the river exploring...gathering moss and pinecones for the fire starters...just enjoying not having adults  watching them every minute.
Mornings were nice by the fire with our cocoa or tea.
Good Morning Tina...My sister, Nancy, Derian (up early two of the mornings) and me.
The NIGHTS were FREEZING cold for all of us
...and each night we changed what was under, over and on us. This is me sleeping the last night; the only night I was warm...From the ground up: Wool blanket, padding, sleeping bag (with me inside), another sleeping bag with another wool blanket on top.  Oh ,and I was in sweats, wool socks and a snow hat.
We drove up to an old mine (rock quarry), where we could shoot safely and taught the kids how to shoot.
This is Hannah, Jo & Cole shooting Derian's 22 rifle as it fits their hands and arms really well.  Thank you D.
I enjoyed shooting this little rifle, also. Because of the wonderful scope I popped a shotgun shell off a stick in just 3 shots!

The 3 shot shooting competition.
Cole: 1 hit, Tina: 3 hits, Derian: 2 hits.
Tina may have hit the card three times, but Derian had two of her shots closest to the center!  She is quite the sharpshooter.
Todd came up for this day and brought some exploding targets!
Here Derian shot one of them and it was quite the BOOM! We all applauded and cheered the size of the explosion!  NEAT!
Drove up to pay respects to my Mom n Dad, whose ashes are spread near the camp we used growing up.
Our family photo of all the campers this year.
Too many to name, and it's not even close to the whole family.
Had a GREAT time like always and will see you next year.
Happy End of 2011 Summer Groupies!