Tuesday, February 26, 2008
THE Border Fence
Sunday, February 24, 2008
MCAS...Marine Corp Air Show
Friday, February 22, 2008
KOFA (King of Arizona) Wilderness
This was a great day that began with me waking up grumpy "wanting to go home, NOW".
it's not just the BINGO!
Monday, February 18, 2008
A fun weekend, followed by Monday, of course...lol
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Good morning
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
NOT a Maytag moment...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday evening
A Typical Sunday?
Saturday, February 09, 2008
a Super Shopping Day...
Thursday, February 07, 2008
a Dream is ending...a Lesson to learn...
The "Dream" ending?...She and her husband sold their home and stuff to travel and live full-time in their RV just in the past year. Their two children are only in their early twenties...She arrived in Yuma just a few months ago vibrant, full of life, walking the dog every day, visiting the neighbors and gadding about with friends. She knew when she arrived the cancer was in her, but she and her doctor up north thought treatments were working and could be continued here.
She'll never see her children married...no grand children will be rocked in her arms...she will never share another sunset with her husband.
"Lesson" to learn...what's that old saying? Don't put off til tomorrow what can be done today...OR...Take time to stop and smell the roses.
I wonder if some of the millions of dollars we donate to breast cancer research is being diverted to ovarian cancer research? I don't think there is even a reliable test for it. Sad...
So, today I share a 'not so happy' part of our life down here...
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
a QUIET day
Norman spent most of the day with Boo. They shopped Home Depot and Ace Hardware for guttering and faucet parts. Boo's had a leakey kitchen faucet forever. Norman had quite a job getting everything cleaned up and the faucet repaired.
I lost at bingo again tonight, BUT I guessed the correct amount of people playing. Everyone at our table puts in a quarter and makes a guess. I'm doing all right winning those quarters. This is about the fourth time...yippee...
Monday, February 04, 2008
Super Bowl XLII
Bellichek?...Poor loser...left the field before the game ended...didn't have a good word for the winning team (wouldn't a 'good' coach at least say "Congrats"?) Maybe he'll get fined for leaving?
Forgot to look up my "Change of Possession" rules...worked out ok since, none of the couples bothered to bring money (we were all just walking across the street). But we did do an abbreviated 'change of possession'...it worked and not so expensive.
That last possession?...since there was only 1 second on the clock AND everyone had flooded the field AND the Pats had left the field...why wasn't the game just called then? Afterall, it was just a kneel-down play at that point...BUT it did put the quarter pot in Norman's hands for the last possession...YIPPEE!
Oh yes...mustn't forget my favorite ads...
always love the Clydsdales!
that cute chick that danced with the Sobe lizards
the girl with the one eyebrow who used Planters peanuts for perfume
and the homing pigeons vs Fed Ex
Friday, February 01, 2008
Brothels n Drugs en Mexico
The Hawaii Club is the newest brothel in town. We headed here to get the Green Door t-shirts, from the old brothel. But that picturesque old place has been replaced by this one. The old one was in great Mexican-style. It had a small green beat-up old door on the left of this picture. Then a rusty wrought iron balcony above with a series of doors behind it. This is where the girls hung out or maybe I should say 'over' the railing displaying a hint of their wares...We did find the ol' Green Door. Still operating, but in a different area. And, "no" we didn't buy more t-shirts. One brothel t-shirt is enough.
Had a great Cuba Libre with my chicken mole', and Norman had a Margarita Grande with his enchiladas. Why do the drinks and food taste better there? Maybe it's the mariachi (sp?) band playing "Feelings" while we eat?...hee-hee
Oh the line to get out...my oh my...people just don't pay attention to the news. AND we knew better than to go yesterday. Two pieces of ID required to get back to the US, and many people didn't have it. Here's a picture of where the middle (sorta) of the line is. The car line backed up at least a mile all afternoon. The line of people was backed up about 1/2 mile, two and three people wide. The folks sitting around in the foreground are waiting for their friends to get to this corner before standing in the line.
I guess I didn't really get a good shot of the line of people. Shoulda stood on that concrete bench thingy. We got IN LINE along that wall in the background way down by the black n white sign in the middle of the pic (on the bridge over the canal). It took us one and a half hours to finally clear customs. WHAT WE DO FOR FUN! Most people are used to the line, although it took longer today. So we all laugh and joke and tell stories, find out where we're all from and where we're all staying, and what we've seen or done that was fun.